Στης 13 Μαρτίου εγκαινιάζεται το πρώτο μνημείο για το Bitcoin στην Σλοβενία
Στις 13 Μαρτίου θα γίνουν τα εγκαίνια του πρώτου μνημείου για το Bitcoin στον κόμσο στην πόλη Kranj της Σλοβενίας. Το μνημείο χρηματοδοτήθηκε από το ανταλλακτήριο Bitstamp όπου στην ίδια πόλη το 2011 ξεκίνησε την λειτουργία του.
Ten years have passed since the publicly unknown individual or group under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto created the first blockchain and set the stage for the future development of blockchain technology. This included the implementation of the first digital currency, which enabled seamless and transparent transactions by storing data inside the blockchain. While modern cryptocurrencies, in the form of digital money or investment tokens, have reached new levels of popularity due to their expansive growth in the last year, we often forget about the potentials of the original technology with its lack of a central information storage. It is a manifestation of decentralization, usefulness and direct transfers of information without mediators, interconnected and distributed inside of blockchains, where they are protected from alterations or distortions.
Blockchain technologies offer an inexhaustible source of new applicability on the everyday activities in societies and of individuals. By being decentralized they can be used in the sectors of health, administration, food distribution, culture, and all other areas of life. From this perspective, blockchain technologies are the key and major innovations of the last decade. They not only represent the new wave of digital economy, but also embody the technological benchmark that people in the future will take for granted in their day to day lives. Blockchain technology advocates the logic of automated algorithmic creation of trust among individuals. This forms the basis for (co)existence and the (co)creation of the future. And for a better tomorrow.
By being the first monument of its kind in Slovenia as well as the world, the commemoration of this technology in Kranj will serve as a tribute to its useful attributes. The placement of the monument on the roundabout connecting Oldhamska and Gregorčičeva street will symbolize decentralized connections. These not only allow access to a singular point, but also enable a passage to starting points that grant access to many further paths for individuals. Thus, the commemorative monument will not be in a central position, but rather set up as a connecting point for the urban ecosystem of Kranj, symbolizing connectivity and networking
Τα εγκαίνια θα γίνουν από την δήμαρχο της πόλης σε ειδική εκδήλωση που έχει προγραμματιστεί. Για το μνημείο έχει δημιουργηθεί και το σχετικό site ενημέρωσης.