Ο Επενδυτής Fred Wilson μιλάει για το bitcoin στο Πανεπιστήμιό της Νέας Υόρκης

Ο γνωστός επενδυτής Fred Wilson σε μια ομιλία του στο πανεπιστήμιο της Νέας Υόρκης ανέλυσε αυτά που κατά την γνώμη του κρατάνε πίσω την διάδοση του Bitcoin.  Κατά την διάρκεια της ομιλίας του τόνισε ότι η συσσώρευση bitcoin από τους χρήστες του καθώς και η έλλειψη προσωπικής ασφάλειας όσων κρατάνε τα bitcoin τους στους υπολογιστές τους είναι τα βασικότερα στοιχεία που αποτρέπουν την μαζική του διάδοση.

“I also think we need to see real transaction volume happen. Right now, most people who get bitcoin hold it, they don’t transact with it. That’s part of what causes all of the volatility — if there was a very vibrant system where bitcoin was just getting swapped around like crazy, the velocity of the money would cause bitcoin’s price to stabilize and there would be a much more liquid market. I think those are the kinds of things an economist would want to see.”

“Bitcoin theft is a big issue. Bitcoin fraud is a big issue. And what will have to happen is we will need to see companies like Coinbase and others merge that can invest heavily in security. And that’s both technological security, and also process security,  to make you comfortable to keep your bitcoin there. And I think that that’s probably going to be first big commercial opportunity in bitcoin, […] to create secure systems. Because without that, I don’t think we’ll ever get enough confidence and trust in the system for people to really start using it.”