H Intel εξερευνά την τεχνολογία του Bitcoin
Η Intel όπως όλα δείχνουν θα είναι η επόμενη μεγάλη εταιρεία τεχνολογίας μετά την IBM που σκοπεύει να εξερευνήσει την τεχνολογία του Bitcoin. Αυτές τις μέρες ανέβασαν αγγελία αναζήτησης υπαλλήλων για το κέντρο έρευνας και τεχνολογίας της εταιρείας Intel Labs με γνώσεις γύρω από την κρυπτογράφηση και της τεχνολογίας του Bitcoin.
Cryptographic Researcher – 756189 Description
Job Description: Digital currencies like Bitcoin have captured the imagination of the press. Related startups are generating a great deal of VC interest and investment because of the potential significance of any disruption of the financial payment industry. Its fundamental technical innovation is the decentralized transaction ledger called the ‘block-chain’. It allows bitcoin to prevent double-spending of currency by recording all transactions in an open ledger without the need for a central authority. Such a distributed, public, secure, peer-to-peer transaction record enables not just the exchange of bitcoins but many secondary uses that the research and startup community are exploring such as digital marketplaces.
The Special Innovation Projects group within Intel Labs is looking for a researcher to investigate hardware and software capabilities that advance the performance, robustness, and scalability of open, decentralized ledgers. Working with a team of distributed systems, operating systems, and security technologists, you will focus on development of cutting-edge, cryptographic algorithms for improving the robustness and assurance of transaction verification within an open, decentralized ledger.
You must possess the below minimum qualifications to be initially considered for this position. Preferred qualifications are in addition to the minimum requirements and are considered a plus factor in identifying top candidates. Experience listed below would be obtained through a combination of your school work/ classes/ research and/or relevant previous job and/or internship experiences.
Minimum Qualifications:
– PhD or Masters (with at least 1 year experience) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related field.
– Technical depth in the areas of crypto algorithms, access control models and security/privacy protocols.
– Proficiency developing System & Application SW.
– Good communication and interpersonal skills.Preferred Qualifications:
– Familiarity with relevant security and cryptographic standards.
Στην ανακοίνωση γίνετε αναφορά στις p2p αποκεντρωμένες συναλλαγές του Bitcoin στην τεχνολογία του Blockchain καθώς και στο πλήθος εφαρμογών στις ψηφιακές συναλλαγές που μπορούν να αναπτυχθούν βασισμένες σε αυτή την τεχνολογία. Τέλος τονίζουν ότι ενδιαφέρονται για άτομα που θα μπορέσουν μέσα από την έρευνα τους να αναπτύξουν software και hardware συστήματα που θα βελτιώσουν την απόδοση και την επεκτασιμότητα ενός ανοιχτού δημόσιου ledger(Blockchain)
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