To Bitcoin Foundation δοκιμάζει σύστημα εκλογών μέσω του Blockchain
Το Bitcoin Foundation κατά την διάρκεια των πρόσφατων εκλογών για την ανάδειξη νέων μελών δοκίμασε για πρώτη φορά σύστημα εκλογών μέσω του Blockchain.
For the past several weeks, the Bitcoin Foundation has been working to develop an on-blockchain voting system that provides even greater transparency into the voting process — with every vote being recorded on the blockchain.
“The Foundation’s mission is to advance blockchain technology and this is an important new avenue of innovation,” said Patrick Murck, Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation. “While we may not have the smoothest experience in this experimental launch, it’s important for us to push the boundaries and spark innovation — even if things get a little messy sometimes.”
We found a willing partner in Swarm and the new platform is finally ready for its first election. The Bitcoin Foundation is the first to attempt a vote of this kind on the blockchain and we are excited to have our Bitcoin Foundation members participate in this historic moment.
This voting platform is new and still in beta and there’s a real risk that members may not experience the most seamless process. Your feedback is important so that we can improve for the next vote. If you run into any problems please contact support@swarm.fund.
Annual and lifetime members who signed up for their membership before the Feb 6, 2015 11:59pm EST sign up date and confirmed to vote in time will be receiving an email from Swarm with instructions for voting.
Should we run into any technical issues during the voting process, we will re-set and use Helios, our previous system, for voting.
Δυστυχώς όμως λόγο αρκετών προβλημάτων που προέκυψαν κατά την διαδικασία των εκλογών μέσω του Blockchain τους ανάγκασε να εγκαταλείψουν την προσπάθεια και να γυρίσουν στο παλιό σύστημα εκλογών.
In the wee hours of this morning, we launched the first on-blockchain voting system for our runoff elections. In the past several hours, we’ve received tons of feedback from our members (thanks guys!) and we hear you.
This initial version is clunky, imperfect and a bit confusing. Being the first of its kind, we knew it would be. No system is perfect on its first day out. So thanks for hanging in there and for your willingness to think outside of the box with us.
“These are growing pains. The important thing to remember is that we are all in this, building the digital economy, together. When we used Helios last year for the first time, we also encountered user confusion and technical issues,” recalls Brian Goss, Elections Committee Chairman. “However, because our members provided helpful feedback and pull requests, in the end we were able to make functional improvements to the code so that it works better today than it did yesteryear.”
Πάντως το πρώτο βήμα έγινε για την χρήση της τεχνολογίας του Blockchain σε εκλογική διαδικασία όπως δήλωσε και ο executive director του Bitcoin Foundation Patrick Murck
“I’m glad we pushed it, because somebody needed to actually do something along these lines. You need to push for innovation on the blockchain and experimentation, I think that’s something the foundation should do, especially when it comes to pushing for innovation around governance, so in that sense it’s good.”